Haina Smart Warehouse

Haina Smart Warehouse

GLP has launched Haina Smart Warehouse (HSW), an artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based platform to manage warehouse systems and operations.

HSW can connect various types of intelligent equipment in a warehouse and delivers significant benefits including inventory tracking, automated tasking, capacity optimisation, dynamic billing and much more.

Designed as a truly open platform, HSW enables supply- and demand-side logistics systems to work together to realise benefits of the whole ecosystem.Using HSW, GLP’s customers are able implement IoT-enabled robotics like the “picking spider” system which can sort and place up to 600 pieces per hour, three times faster than manual labour.

This improves order accuracies while generating long-term cost savings as human efforts can be allocated elsewhere. Since HSW is modular, the number of robots deployed in each warehouse is flexible to match the volume of the customer’s operations

Read more: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iucTpEM2SVT_atfZW1Kpqw