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Urgent upgrades

Urgent upgrades

GLP talks to AVCJ on how technology can improve the efficiency of the logistics industry in Japan.


Smart Warehouses Speed Up E-Commerce

Smart Warehouses Speed Up E-Commerce

Read the WSJ’s story on smart warehousing. Victor Mok, Co-President – Real Estate, GLP China, explains that GLP’s focus is to build a logistics ecosystem which considers every aspect of the supply chain, not just warehouse space.


Logistics Giant Plants $1.6bn Flag in Private Equity

Logistics Giant Plants $1.6bn Flag in Private Equity

GLP will seek to capitalise on its sector insight to invest in emerging technologiesGLP, an investor in logistics real estate with $50 billion in assets under management, has made a dramatic entry into the world of private equity, raisi


Ready To Talk

Ready To Talk

For years, GLP boss Ming Mei has kept a low profile, but with the company branching into new sectors in the wake of its privatization, he tells Jonathan Brasse why now is a good time to be more vocalIf you visit New Zealand’s Milford Track next January, you might meet Ming M


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For any media related query

Faye Kwan

VP, Global Communications

Media contact

For any media related query

Faye Kwan

VP, Global Communications