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GLP Sets Up Two New European Funds Post Gazeley Acquisition

GLP Sets Up Two New European Funds Post Gazeley Acquisition

GLP has established two new European funds which will collectively hold €3.4bn in assets.

The acquisition of Gazeley has boosted GLP's total assets under management to €3.6bn from €3.3bn.


Shareholders Overwhelmingly Back GLP Delisting

Shareholders Overwhelmingly Back GLP Delisting

Shareholders of GLP have given their approval for the company to delist, in what will be one of Asia's largest private equity buyouts in recent years.


GLP To Pay $2.8 Billion for Gazeley

GLP To Pay $2.8 Billion for Gazeley

GLP expands its global footprint with the acquisition of Gazeley for 2.4 billion euros. GLP itnends to inject assets into its fund management platform.


Global Logistic Properties Announces €2.4bn Gazeley Buy

Global Logistic Properties Announces €2.4bn Gazeley Buy

Global Logistic Properties has confirmed its €2.4bn (£2.1bn) purchase of Gazeley from Brookfield.

Gazeley is to be subsumed within GLP’s fund management platform and the transaction is due to complete in December.


Media contact

For any media related query

Faye Kwan

VP, Global Communications

Media contact

For any media related query

Faye Kwan

VP, Global Communications